

  • Brand : Maxkirana Verified
  • Availability: In Stock
  • Return Policy: This product is not eligible for cancel/returns/replace
  • 20
  • 15.00

  • MRP: ₹20
  • discount: ₹25%
  • MKP: ₹15.00

  • Made-In : Made In India
    Brand Name : Maxkirana Verified
    Sprouting is the natural process by which seeds or spores germinate and put out shoots, and already established plants produce new leaves or buds or other newly developing parts experience further growth.
    Maxkirana Verified
    Vitamin, such as A, B, C and E, and essential fatty acid nutrients increase in sprouting and minerals bind to protein, making them more easily absorbed. Sprouts alkalize the body and protect it from disease including cancer. Sprouted seeds, grains, legumes or nuts help support cell regeneration.
