Santoor Mild Handwash, 750 ml

Santoor Mild Handwash, 750 ml

  • Brand : Santoor
  • Availability: In Stock
  • Return Policy: This product is not eligible for cancel/returns/replace
  • 99
  • 99.00

  • MRP: ₹99
  • discount: ₹0%
  • MKP: ₹99.00

  • Made-In : Made In India
    Brand Name : Santoor
    Santoor classic hand wash is enriched with the natural goodness of sandalwood and tulsi that provides unique dual benefit of tough on germs and soft on hands.
    Wipro Enterprises (P) Ltd., Dodakannelli, Sarjapur road, Bangalore 560035
    Santoor Classic Hand Wash is enriched with the natural goodness of sandalwood and tulsi that offer the unique dual benefit of 'tough on germs and soft on hands. ' Tulsi with its antibacterial and antioxidant properties cleans and protects your hands from germs. Sandalwood leaves your hands soft and smooth.
